Weather Hotline: 301-528-1497
For the safety of its patrons, the Maryland SoccerPlex utilizes the following:
WeatherBug Lightning Detection System
The purpose of this system is to protect patrons using the facility when under the threat of dangerous storms.
Sensors and a weather station have been installed on the roof of the Discovery Sports Center. When a lightning strike has occurred within ten (10) miles of the Maryland SoccerPlex, the following will occur:
- Horns on the roof will sound for 15 seconds
- The 15-second blast indicates ALL patrons must immediately go to their cars
- Even if you do not see lightning, do not ignore this signal
- When there has been no lightning strike within ten (10) miles for a continuous 15 minute period, the horns will blast three (3) times, each blast is five (5) seconds
- You may return to the field after the three (3) shorter blasts have sounded